
What Animal Doesn't Have A Nervous System

The Senate Standing Commission on Legal and Constitutional Affairs

Do Invertebrates Experience Pain?

            Invertebrates are classically divers as animals, which lack a' backbone' or dorsal nervus cordi, such as insects, crustacea (e.thou. shrimp, lobster and crab), and molluscs (e.g. clams, snails, and squid).  Traditionally, these animals have not been included in legislation concerning cruelty to animals2.

            Hurting is divers past the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) as "An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage or described in terms of such harm"iii.  The subjective, emotional component of pain is considered its important aspect, not the activation of pain sensors (nociceptors) in the trunk.  The IASP makes this clear "Activeness induced in the nociceptive pathways by a noxious stimulus is not hurting, which is e'er a psychological state, even though we may appreciate that pain most often has a proximate physical cause"iii.   In other words, the only animals capable of feeling hurting are those that can feel fright, anxiety, distress and terror, similar to what humans experience when we receive noxious stimuli.

            Near all organisms, including bacteria, will endeavor to escape from an aversive stimulus4.  Because bacteria are not idea to be capable of feeling pain (e.g. they lack a nervous system), possessing an escape response to an aversive stimulus is not enough evidence to demonstrate that a species is capable of feeling pain.  To infer that a non-man vertebrate (mammals, birds and reptiles) is in pain, researchers rely on the vocalizations and physiological responses (e.g. the release of stress hormones) that an animate being produces when faced with an aversive stimulus2.  Because these responses are similar to our own when we are in pain, researchers argue that, past analogy, animals showing these responses are too in pain2.  This technique cannot be used with invertebrates.  Invertebrate physiology is different from our own1.  The invertebrates diverged from that of vertebrates hundreds of millions of years agone1.

            Scientists have used three lines of reasoning to assess the likelihood that invertebrates are capable of feeling painv.

  1. The evolutionary function of pain
  2. The neural capacity of invertebrates
  3. The behaviour of invertebrates

ane. The evolutionary function of hurting.

            In vertebrates pain is thought to be an important educational toolhalf-dozen.  Vertebrates are relatively long-lived creatures and learning shapes much of their behaviour.  Learning from pain (and pleasure) plays a vital role in the development of their behaviourvi.

            Almost all invertebrates are short-lived and their behaviour is thought to be largely genetically adamant7.  Therefore, there is less evolutionary pressure selecting for the evolution of pain in this group of animals6.

2. The neural capacity of invertebrates.

            Except for the cephalopods, invertebrates have pocket-sized nervous systems, consisting of many minor brains (ganglia).  Because of the modest number of neurons and the distributed system of their nervous systems, invertebrates are thought to have limited cognitive capacity6.  High cognitive capacity is idea to exist a prerequisite for the development of an emotional response6.

3.  The behaviour of invertebrates

            Invertebrates bear witness few, if any, of the behaviours that we would recognize as evidence of emotion6.  Many invertebrates are cannibalistic, and many eat their immature when given the take a chance.  Most have no social behaviour.  Although they can answer vigorously to noxious stimuli, fifty-fifty this response is inconsistent.  Insects, for example, will continue with normal action fifty-fifty after severe injury.  An insect walking with a crushed tarsus (lower leg) volition continue applying information technology to the ground with undiminished force. Locusts will writhe when sprayed with DDT.  However, they will also go along feeding while being eaten by a praying mantid6.


            Cephalopods are sometimes given special condition past creature care committees (e.chiliad. CCAC) considering they have a large, vertebrate-similar central nervous system, which is about the same size as that of a fish8.  In the United kingdom these animals have some legal protection, however in the United States they do not.

            Although they have large brains, all the coleoid cephalopods (squid, octopus and cuttlefish) accept brusk lifespans8.  Near live less than one yr.  There is no parental intendance8.  The absence of parental care suggests that most of their behaviour is genetically determined (i.e. they must be able to hunt, hide from predators, communicate etc. without pedagogy past others of their species).  They are capable of learning, but their abilities are sometimes greater, sometimes less than that of fish8,nine.  Most are highly cannibalistic, even the schooling squid. Nosotros know zip about their hormonal response to stress, and therefore we cannot make up one's mind whether they accept a physiological response that resembles ours when confronted by aversive stimuli.  We sympathise very niggling about their visual communication system and, therefore, we do non know whether they brand any 'hurting-specific' signals.  Given our three criteria above, we have very little evidence that these animals feel pain.  Nevertheless, it is possible that equally we acquire more well-nigh them, we may find evidence suggesting that they are capable of feeling hurting.


            Although it is impossible to know the subjective experience of another animate being with certainty, the remainder of the testify suggests that near invertebrates do not experience pain.  The prove is most robust for insects, and, for these animals, the consensus is that they exercise non experience pain6.


i.  Brusca R and Brusca Grand. 2002. The Invertebrates. 2nd edition. Sinauer.

2.  Animate being Behaviour Order, 2003. Anim. Behav. 65: 649-655

iii.  International Association for the Study of Pain.

4.  Berg, H 1975. Nature. 254: 389-392

5.  Sherwin, C 2001. Anim. Welfare. 10: S103-S118

6.  Eisemann C et al. 1984. Experientia 40: 164-167

7.  Drickamer L et al. 2001.  Creature Behavior: Mechanisms, Environmental and Evolution. vth edition. McGraw-Hill.

8.  Hanlon R and Messenger J 1996. Cephalopod Behaviour, Cambridge Univ. Press.

9.  Boal J et al. 2000. Behav. Processes. 52: 141-153

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