
Chrome OS Grows Up - castleboloody

The first version of Google's Chrome OS wasn't a lot to a higher degree a Chromium-plate browser window with a fewer apps. It felt more like a statement — "Who needs local storage?" — than an operating system you could rely on.

A year and a uncomplete later, the latest version of the Chrome OS adds more or less of the features of a more traditional OS: a single file manager (hooray!), a background and the ability to use storage connected through a USB port. Google's Cloud Print system even makes IT fairly easy to black and white.

The only thing that's missing is the ability to keep writing, working on a spreadsheet or Reading email when you're offline. We used to take in that capability through Google Gears, but since Google shut down that project next-to-last winter, services like GMail and Google Beat back work only when you have a connexion. (Google Senior Frailty President of Chrome &adenylic acid; Apps Sundar Pichai reportedly told the audience the least bit Things D this workweek that Google Drive offline is coming in five weeks.)

The advantages of the Chrome OS persist the Saame. The new Samsung Series 5 550 Chromebook I proven shuts down in less than 5 seconds and starts up over again in less than 10. When you log-in, there's no waiting for programs to load. You go right gage to the last browser windowpane you were working in, with all the same tabs you had open before you squinting down. Jumping from windowpane to windowpane (that's right — now you can have more than one) is instant. And while altogether new machines are fast, it's hard to imagine what would slow down a Chromebook over time — at that place's no registry to get junked in the lead and no local software to leave debris on your Winchester drive. Barrage fire life is great, to a fault. I was able to work a full day on a unvarying charge.

And, unlike late incarnations, you straight off get a considerable price break for purchasing a Chromebook: The machine I tried, with a 12.1-inch display, costs $449. The Samsung Series 5 13.3-inch Windows model costs about $400 much.

Chrome's new file manager is rudimentary, merely its same universe is a big fish. It comes improving as a browser tab that shows the different storage devices on your machine. There's Downloads, which sits on the 16GB SSD drive. You bathroom also fund files on a USB movement or a memory menu. You can move files from uncomparable storage device to other, though you don't have the scuff-and-drop convenience of most operational systems — you have to copy and library paste them.

Chrome OS Grows Up
The very alkalic file in handler in Chromium-plate OS.

Impression through Google Taint Print was simple, even though I didn't give access to an administrative body Cloud printer. I set up cloud printing on my background busy (it's a setting within the Chrome browser), then the Chromebook could practice any printer my background could get at, including printers on the PCWorld network.

Chrome OS now has a desktop, though you likely won't spend much meter there. There's a taskbar, where you can put together shortcuts to apps you use frequently, and a status area that reports things like Wi-Fi connection status and battery lifespan. But I couldn't find out a way to put a shortcut to an app Oregon file connected the screen background itself — it's actually merely a pretty picture.

Chrome OS Grows Up
The Chrome OS desktop looks pretty, but doesn't coiffure a great deal.

You can straight off function multiple windows in Chrome, though they'Ra all just separate browser windows. Still, that can comprise helpful — you can jump from one window to another with Alt-Tab or with a special function button. Each windowpane has something that looks like a Windows maximize button, but it operates four ways through and through gestures. If you click on that and drag down, the window minimizes. Drag leading and it goes full screen. Drag to the remaining or right and the windowpane docks along either side, taking up half the cover. It's a fun innovation.

Chrome OS Grows Up
You can now turn with multiple windows in Chrome OS.

The Chromebook even features its quirky keyboard. The biggest quirk is the lack of a Caps Lock central — that's replaced with a jolly unnecessary search button. All the search button does is open a new tab key, something that's easily done with Ctrl-T. If you omit Caps Lock, you can bushel it finished the Chromebook's settings. Strange unconventional keyboard choices work better. I comparable the function button for switching between windows and one for toggling between full screen and normal mode. There are also sacred forward, backward and reload buttons, which take lots of sensory faculty for a notebook computer well-stacked for the net. Hit Ctrl and the Search button and you'll Adam to an smartphone-comparable grid of shortcuts to your apps. And if you have a amend retentiveness than I do, you can learn the dozens of keyboard shortcuts — hit Ctrl+Alt+? for a full inclination.

Chrome OS Grows Up
Hit a keyboard cutoff and you see golf links to your apps in a smartphone-like grid.

Atomic number 3 much as I liked the Chromebook I tested, it had one fatal flaw. I've left it to the end of this review because I hope that information technology's but a failing of my detail test machine and not one that's autochthonal to the Samsung Chromebooks. The problem: My Chromebook would regularly lose its connection to the vane — kind of a freehanded make out for a notebook collective to work well-nig entirely online.

I detected the problem both at work and at location. In some cases, I had other systems on the same Wi-Fi network simultaneously and they never seemed to lose their connection. I tried using a motile hotspot and experienced the same problems. In close to cases when I had connection problems, the status area would study that it was trying to reconnect to my WI-Fi network. In other instances, IT would report information technology was firmly connected my Wi-Fi network, even though the browser was unable to reach the web. When I proven surfing from my other system connected the same network at the same time, I had no problem. A Samsung representative said she hadn't heard about similar problems with other test machines. I'll work with the company to troubleshoot the problem and update this story with what I find out.

Tout ensemble, the Chrome OS and Chromebooks seem to have made vast strides forward. It'll never be a good solution for multitude WHO are often away from a web connection (though information technology does have a built-in Verizon wireless broadband connection — you puzzle 100MB per calendar month free and lavatory pay for more) or depend on sophisticated background software. Operating room for those who don't want to give their undiversified life draped up in the Google solar system of Gmail, Google Drive away, Google Calendar, etc.

But if a lot of what you do happens in the cloud anyway, a Chromebook has much of advantages — it's cheaper, fast, simple to operate and gets great electric battery life. Google's unusual OS has grown up a good deal in the past year and a half. Chromebooks are already a good option for many people. If Google put up add the ability to do significant mold offline, all laptop buyers should give them serious condition.


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