
Designer For Mobile Apps Pay Scale

  • Android Developer Salary in India
  • Who is an Android Developer and What do they do?
  • Android Developer Job Roles and Responsibilities
  • Advantages of becoming an Android Developer
  • Skills required to become an Android Developer
  • Android Developer Salary Deciding Factors
  • Preparing for Android Interviews
  • Summary
  • FAQs
  • Additional Resources

Android is a Linux-based open-source operating system designed for devices such as smartphones and tablet computers. Android was developed in collaboration with the Open Handset Alliance, which was led by Google, and other companies.

Android provides a cohesive approach to application development for mobile devices, which ensures that developers only need to code for Android, and their apps should be able to run on a variety of Android-powered devices.

The Android operating system (OS) was publicly launched in 2007 and is now used by nearly every software developer, with the exception of some that create apps for the Apple and Symbian operating systems.

The vast majority of people who seek a career in mobile application design prefer to be either iOS or Android developers.

Most of the developers in the market prefer Android development over iOS and one of the main reasons for this is the versatility of the Android platform. Businesses also prefer Android app development because of its larger market share. There are many reasons why Android is preferred over iOS and they are listed in the figure below.

Why android is preferred over IOS

Android Developer Salary in India

As per information presented on Payscale, the average salary for an Android Developer in India is ₹3,76,000 per year (₹508.68 per hour). App developer salary in India can range from ₹154k to ₹991k. The below table shows the general breakdown of an app developer salary in India.

android developer salary

Salary Breakdown

Base Salary ₹1,54,000 – ₹99,10,00
Bonus ₹3,000 – ₹1,99,000
Profit Sharing ₹24 – ₹1,99,000
Total Compensation ₹1,57,000 – ₹10,00,000

Source: Payscale

Total Compensation comprises of Base Salary + Bonus + Profit Sharing

Pay by Experience Level

android developer salary based on experience

According to the research presented on Payscale, an entry-level Android Software Developer in India, with less than a year of experience, may expect to receive an average annual pay of ₹2,05,009 including tips, bonuses, and overtime pay. The estimated total salary for an early career Android Software Developer in India with 1-4 years of experience is ₹3,60,860. While a mid-career Android Developer with 5-9 years of experience earns ₹8,14,696 on an average. And, the average annual salary for an established and experienced Android Developer in India with 10-19 years of experience is ₹1,316,973.

Android Developer Salary by Experience

android developer salary by experience

As per the figure, while the average salary for an Android Developer is ₹4,16,700/year, the salary for entry-level and mid-career level dropped by 60% and 7% respectively. On the other hand, the salaries for senior and late-career levels increased by great percentages of 63% and 84% respectively.

Who is an Android Developer and What do they do?

An Android developer is in charge of creating applications for smartphones and tablets that run on the Android operating system. Because of the ecosystem's complexity, an Android developer must pay particular attention to the application's compatibility with different Android versions and platforms. They must, therefore, be well-versed in the trends and behaviors that revolve around such a forum.

They are charged with developing apps ranging from basic ones like a calculator app to more complicated ones like an online gaming app.

Android Developer Job Roles and Responsibilities

The main job profiles available in today's market are as given below:

  • Mobile Application Developer
  • Android Developer
  • Android Engineer
  • Mobile Developer
  • Mobile Architect
  • Mobile Lead Software Engineer

An Android Developer is an individual who designs and develops Android applications. An Android Developer career can be classified into three categories:

1. Junior Level-

Developers usually begin their career at a junior level. When a corporation finds the best developer for their organization, they hire the developer based on the difficulty of their app.

2. Intermediate Level-

After a certain amount of time (2-5 years) as a junior developer, they advance to the intermediate stage. Intermediate-level Android developers work separately on projects that are a little more technical.

3. Senior Level

After several years of operating at the intermediate level and having experience of about 8-10 years, they advance to the senior level of Android development. Senior Android developers have additional tasks in addition to coding, such as making decisions and designing robust and scalable applications.

An Android Developer simply comprehends the project requirements defined by the company and then converts them into a concrete application. The app can be published and uploaded to Google Play Store. Any Android app usually goes through the following three stages:

The Design Phase, Development Phase, and Submission Process.

Today, a majority of mobile app developers handle both the designing and coding phases of the app, as well as the submission process. Such developers are referred to as "full-stack" developers because they can manage all phases of Android app growth. In addition to full-stack developers, organizations also recruit programmers (responsible for coding) and developers (responsible for designing the app) for their application development team.

According to current industry trends, the two most important skills for any Android developer are UX (User Experience) and UI (User Interface) architecture.

An Android Developer's responsibilities include the following tasks-

  • Creating advanced Android apps for the Android platform.
  • Collaborating with cross-functional teams to plan, identify, and ship new features.
  • Interacting with external APIs and data sources to integrate into the apps.
  • Performing Unit Testing to ensure usability, robustness, edge cases, and overall reliability.
  • To focus on improving program functionality and bug fixes.
  • Continuous assessment, exploration, and introduction of emerging technology to improve productivity.

Advantages of becoming an Android Developer

When it comes to creating a mobile app for a business, one of the most critical decisions would be whether to start with an app for Android or iOS. While each platform has its own set of advantages, there are a number of reasons why developing an Android app first is advantageous.

Here are some of the advantages that an Android Developer has-

  • Open Source

An Android software developer that uses an open-source platform would have easy access to all the vast Android ecosystem has to share. This provides royalty-free licenses and the most up-to-date application platform available. The open-source design of the software provided by the Android framework enables software developers to quickly patch and upgrade applications. If the app is published on the Google Play store or on any other Android smartphone app platform, the developer can improve it by incorporating customer feedback and reviews.

  • Easy Integration

The Android application is unrivaled when it comes to complicated technological customization or adding a pre-existing program. Since the platform is totally customizable, Android app developers can easily incorporate and change mobile applications to suit the needs of their company. The open-ended opportunity to incorporate is one of the main reasons why so many developers think Android is the best mobile platform, from device to process architecture.

  • Constant Learning

If you enjoy challenges and learning, you'll enjoy being a developer. This is the work that will hold you on your toes and force you to use your grey matter, making the days fly by. It's also the work that forces you to learn because you'll be actively looking things up and growing your knowledge. If you work for an organization, you will be able to get paid to attend classes and thereby improve your skill set.

  • Exciting Opportunities in Android Development Field

In today's market, every company or business has its own Android app to provide various facilities to the customers and therefore the demand of Android developers is always high. If you are a beginner in this field, you could do some freelancing to try out and practice your skills. While  freelancing, you could learn about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and how it helps companies to increase their brand value by increasing their market visibility.

If you are an experienced person in this field and maybe you want to start your own business, creating an Android app for your brand in the early stages would be a good idea. In such cases, your knowledge of SEO  could prove very beneficial in providing maximum visibility and thereby increasing your brand value and making your venture successful.

So, by combining your learning of SEO and skills of Android development, you can encounter some new and exciting opportunities in your career ahead.

Skills required to become an Android Developer

Here are some of the technical skills that are mandatory and good to have to start a career in Android App Development.

  • Expertise in Java, Kotlin or both

The first thing that an Android developer needs is a thorough understanding of at least one of the two Android development languages. You must be familiar with Kotlin or Java programming languages. Also, you must be well-versed with their syntax and form. Along with the language, you should also be familiar with the following concepts:

  • Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Programming (e.g. inheritance, class, and static methods)
  • Variables
  • Lists
  • Loops

If you are learning Java, you should feel comfortable using the JDK manual to easily understand how to use various parts of the language.

  • Virtual Android SDK Concepts

Android developers must also be proficient in the use of the Android Software Development Kit (Android SDK). You should be aware of the following areas:

  • Views, View Groups, and Layouts Fundamentals
  • Data input through users
  • Methods for obtaining information from the internet
  • Data storage
  • Action Bars
  • Adapting apps with various device sizes

You should already be acquainted with Android manuals and various third-party tools that will assist you in rapidly mastering some portions of the SDK that are now unfamiliar to you.

  • Structured Query Language (SQL)

Almost every Android app has to store data in some way, whether it's app data or user data. So there is a need to combine the app with a database so that you can access the results.

As a result, many employers seek an Android developer with SQL expertise. As a result, mastering this database management scheme is a smart choice if you want to maximize your odds of being recruited.

  • XML

XML is an acronym that stands for Extensible Markup Language and is most often used in the construction of web solutions. Nonetheless, since XML is used to view web data, it is an important technology for Android app creation as well. Since many Android apps need data to be transferred to web services and vice versa, XML is an essential skill to learn.

  • Git

Depending on the business and the needs, this Android developer expertise may not be purely mandatory, but it is useful to have. You would almost certainly need to use a version control program at some stage. You may not need to be an expert at using Git, it is sufficient to understand the fundamentals, such as building and utilizing repositories and learning how to commit updates.

To get started with learning Java or Kotlin and Android, you can check out different training courses provided on various online platforms. In addition, you can also read the official documentation to learn things in depth.

Android Developer Salary Deciding Factors

Some of the important factors influencing an App Developer salary are as given below-

  1. Experience
  2. Skills
  3. Location

As we have already covered the salaries based on experience at the starting of this article, here we will look at how skills and location play a major role in deciding the salary for an Android Developer. We will look at data from India to see how salaries can vary depending on the above factors.

Android Developer Salary based on Skills

According to PayScale, the experience in C++ and/or Kotlin is likely to boost a developer's salary. Android developers' salaries are often influenced by their knowledge of data management skills too.

android developer salary based on skills

Android Developer Salary based on Location

Location is a significant factor influencing an Android developer salary in a country such as India. The cost of living, which is a major factor in determining salary, is largely determined by location. This explains, at least in part, why salaries in large cities are generally higher than salaries in more rural areas for comparable positions.

The table below shows the Salary difference based on location for an Android Developer in India.

All values are compared to the national average salary of an Android developer in India.

Location Salary
Bangalore 39.6% ▲
Hyderabad 11.6% ▲
Mumbai 6.1% ▲
Ahmedabad 19.9% ▼
Chennai 10.3% ▼
New Delhi 5.9% ▼

Source: Payscale

Preparing for Android Interviews

Before appearing for an interview, the first and foremost task is that you should be aware of everything that is mentioned in your resume.

you can check out our Android Interview Questions and learn how to crack interviews at your dream company.

Here are some quick points to check before an Android Developer Interview-

  • Clear and strong hold on fundamentals of Android and Java or Kotlin.
  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Be prepared to discuss the projects in detail that you mentioned in your resume.
  • Keep yourself updated with the current trends in Android technology and the language you are fluent in.


The demand for Android App Developers has always been high in the market, and that is the primary reason the salary of an android developer in India is very high. Individuals with the necessary skill sets, qualifications, and expertise have several choices. However, while choosing the right job is critical, it is also critical to keep the factors influencing the final pay in mind when negotiating total compensation for the Android Developer role in India.


What is the average salary of Android developers in India?

The average salary for an Android developer in India is around ₹4,00,000 per year, while it mostly depends on how much experience you have. An entry-level developer may expect to earn at most ₹2,00,000 per year.

Is Android developer a good career in 2021?

Smartphones and internet access are now considered necessities for many people all over the world. The demand for trained professionals will continue to rise as there is a growing demand for new, innovative mobile apps. According to a study, over 135 thousand new job opportunities in Android app development will be available by 2024. Since Android is on the rise and almost every industry in India uses Android apps, it is a great career choice for 2021.

How Long Does It Take To Be An Android Developer?

Learning Android app development is a process that takes time. Of course, the timeline for pursuing the skill will differ depending on your background. Background refers to whether you are a beginner or have some experience with languages like Java or Kotlin.

For a beginner, who does not have any knowledge about Java or Kotlin, it may take around 3-4 months to learn the concepts of the language. After learning the core language, you move onto learning Android development, which would take approximately 6 months – 1 year depending upon how much time you devote per day.

How much do Android developers make?

According to payscale, the average salary of an Android developer is approximately ₹4,00,000 per year.

How much does a freelance Android developer make in India?

A freelance Android app developer's salary in India can range from ₹10,000 to even ₹3,00,000 per month. Some freelancers who do not have much experience charge around ₹2,000 – ₹3,000 for a simple app. Experienced developers charge around ₹14,000 – ₹70,000 per app depending upon the client and the project.

Is there demand for Android Developers?

Absolutely!  Learning Android development opens up many career opportunities, such as freelancing or working for well-known companies such as Google, Amazon, and Facebook. The demand for Android developers remains high, and with online learning material, Android development has become much easier to learn.

How do I become an app developer with no experience?

To begin with, you must select a coding language that you wish to learn. Android development can be done in either Java or Kotlin, but Kotlin is the official language for Android development as of 2019. After you have mastered the language, move on to the fundamentals of Android.  After you have mastered the basics of Android, learn how a version control system works and how to host your services online.

Begin by creating a simple app and gradually increasing the app's complexity as you progress. You can also try cloning an app to learn about its features and discover new things.

Additional Resources

  • Learn Coding
  • Learn Java
  • Java Interview Questions
  • Learn C++
  • C++ Interview Questions

Designer For Mobile Apps Pay Scale


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